Streatham, South London, UK 020 3582 4912

Crowdfund Target Exceeded! Thank you! What’s happening next?

Thanks to your great support we reached the target before the deadline!

Since then we have been working with the Mayor of London & the GLA to make arrangements for their pledge to be paid – it will be released in stages. Meanwhile your pledge will soon be taken by Spacehive – watch out for messages from them. And Lambeth will be releasing their pledge too.

In recognition of your support, we have made you a member of the Friends – there’s no charge for membership. We have also put you on our email list for our regular newsletters with updates on the progress of the study project and the wider campaign. An archive of messages is available here. If you find you are not getting those newsletters, you can sign up to the list here. If you want to unsubscribe from the email list at anytime you can click the link in any of the messages you receive.

We also hold regular fortnightly online campaign meetings which you are very welcome to join in – details in the newsletters. The next one is also our Annual General Meeting where we elect our committee, and we will also be voting on charity status.

We are working on a tender to send out to potential providers for the viability study, and thanks to a grant from Theatres Trust we can extend the scope of work to include an economic impact assessment to help show the benefits a revived building can bring, especially as we exit COVID-19.

Thanks once again and watch out for updates on saving Streatham Hill Theatre.

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