Our campaign is entirely run by unpaid volunteers and you can help by volunteering your skills, experience and time. We have teams focussing on various areas of the campaign outlined below, who collaborate within teams and across teams as necessary. Each team has a lead, and can draw on support from our wide range of supporters, our steering group and trustees.
Volunteering is covered by our volunteer charter. We can’t afford to pay you, but there’s real job satisfaction in working with a great team of friendly people towards a well deserving cause that will benefit the community!
If you can help, just get in contact or come to one of our events. Thank you!
You can be part of our existing teams covering:
Communications and publicity team – spreading the word through the website, social media, email, the press etc. about the theatre, the campaign, our patrons and supporters, and so on. For example, one or more of these activities:
spending a bit of time each day monitoring a social media channel and sharing/posting messages.
Fund-raising team – raising the funds needed to campaign. For example:
identifying potential funding bodies and helping prepare funding bids.
identifying and approaching potential donors or sponsors.
identifying and approaching potential investors and partners.
Creative supporters team – linking up with supporters from the creative industry and helping create informational and promotional material such as presentations, videos, posters etc., in association with the Comms team.
Community team – linking up with other community groups for mutual support and common cause, and co-ordinating our volunteers.
Operations team – planning how to bring the venue back into operation.
Expert panel – offering the campaign pro-bono professional advice in a wide range of specialities, for example:
Architecture and Design
Conservation and Restoration
Environment and Planning
Legal and Contracts
Programme and Project Management
Support team – helping with those vitally important tasks needed on a day to day basis, for example:
responding to enquiries.
arranging meetings, preparing agendas and minutes.
maintaining our membership and supporters data.
Or you can help set up new teams we need:
Artistic panel – just forming to help select artistic submissions.
Events team – help set up and steward campaign events, including our regular campaign meetings.
Memories project – just starting off, collecting memories of the theatre from those involved over the past (including images, video, audio), and collecting and collating physical archives of programmes, posters etc.
Our campaign is entirely run by unpaid volunteers and you can help by volunteering your skills, experience and time. We have teams focussing on various areas of the campaign outlined below, who collaborate within teams and across teams as necessary. Each team has a lead, and can draw on support from our wide range of supporters, our steering group and trustees.
Volunteering is covered by our volunteer charter. We can’t afford to pay you, but there’s real job satisfaction in working with a great team of friendly people towards a well deserving cause that will benefit the community!
If you can help, just get in contact or come to one of our events. Thank you!
You can be part of our existing teams covering:
Or you can help set up new teams we need:
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