Particular donations in kind that are useful to us include:
website – currently kindly sponsored by Vinters Studios
e-mailing in bulk – we currently use a free MailChimp account, but we anticipate we will have to start paying soon
online photo archive – we currently use a free Flickr account but a pro account would help us host more images
other online archives, such as programmes – we would like to scan and index these in a free to access web archive
CRM system – currently kindly sponsored by a member
Zoom – currently we use members’ own accounts; our own paid account would be very useful
marketing, PR, advertising and print for our campaigns
merchandise to support campaigns and for fundraising
insurance – we currently pay for this out of donations
additional legal, planning and commercial expertise to supplement current pro bono help
accounting, tax – currently kindly provided by our honorary treasurer
You can donate money using a Credit or Debit card or PayPal account via PayPal, or regularly by Direct Debit. Or you can send funds by bank transfer or cheque – details are available from us.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the Gift Aid box, or complete and return a Gift Aid form, as we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give as a tax refund. It will not cost you any extra.
Thank you for your support!
Do you shop online?
You can also raise funds for us when you shop online by using EasyFundraising – it doesn’t cost you anything!
Our crowdfunding campaign for our first phase, a viability study, concluded successfully, with pledges exceeding the target. We say a massive thanks to everyone who pledged.
You can continue help our campaign (a Registered Charity, Number 1193643) by
Particular donations in kind that are useful to us include:
You can donate money using a Credit or Debit card or PayPal account via PayPal, or regularly by Direct Debit. Or you can send funds by bank transfer or cheque – details are available from us.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the Gift Aid box, or complete and return a Gift Aid form, as we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give as a tax refund. It will not cost you any extra.
Thank you for your support!
Do you shop online?
You can also raise funds for us when you shop online by using EasyFundraising – it doesn’t cost you anything!
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