Published: (Updated: )
Notice of Annual General Meeting 6th September 2023
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Friends of Streatham Hill Theatre will be held at Vinters Studio 2, 1b Sunnyhill Road, London SW16 2UG at 8pm on Wednesday 6th September 2023 to transact the following business:
1. Apologies(a)
2. Minutes of last AGM held 13th July 2022(c)
Matters arising and acceptance
3. Receive reports from Trustees(c)
4. Receive financial statements and report from the Treasurer(c)
5. Election of Trustees(c, d)
6. Resolution to amend the Constitution to permit electronic meetings(c)
7. Other business of The Friends
By order of the Board of Trustees
Jon Harrison, Secretary
The Friends of Streatham Hill Theatre CIO
Registered in England:
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Number CE024993
Registered Charity Number 1193643
Registered office: 1b Sunnyhill Road, London, SW16 2UG
(a) We are required to hold a physical meeting by the Charity Commission. If unable to attend, members may appoint a proxy using the appointment form(c).
(b) The CIO Constitution is published here:
(c) Supporting documents and forms are published here:
(d) One-third of elected Trustees must stand down, along with any Trustees appointed since the last AGM, but are all eligible for re-election. Members may nominate candidates using the nomination form(c).
No registration or tickets are required. The AGM will be followed by an in-person campaign meeting.
The Minutes of the AGM and the revised Constitution are now available at